Risers to Make Lasering Thick Materials EASY

Sorry about that. @tkayenovak1 and @ajcphoto.
I recently moved my files from one account to another. As a result, the shared link broke.
I fixed it.
Here is the new link: https://a360.co/3aD2aPl
I also fixed the link in the original post.

Pew pew pew!


Is there a particular reason you won’t upload it here, per the forum guidelines?


  1. The link I provided is a LIVE link. That means the risers can be updated over time without having to upload new files to the forum
  2. The file that was created is a Fusion 360 native file. Not everyone has Fusion 360, so that file wouldn’t be useful to everyone. The link to the Fusion 360 file allows you to download the file in a variety of formats that YOU get to choose. This is much more convenient than me having to save the file out to multiple different formats (to cover all the options people might want) and then upload all those file format options to the forum. That would be especially laborious if I choose to update the design (see item #1).

In short, the link is a way more convenient way to share 3D CAD files.


Thank you Jason!!