Rumors about the Full Spectrum Muse Laser

After you rotate the image 90° you can just do a non-uniform scale in Y to account for the linear/rotational difference.

Unless adding some kind of CVT or hacking the Glowforge UI is being put on the to-do list.

In the other rotary thread I suggested a photodetector and a separate engrave area; for this version, you’d want a bunch of white space and then a dark line somewhere off the end of your material but on the rotary gizmo to trigger the stepping. It would slow things down, but them you’d need to slow things down anyway to make sure there was no engraving while the object was in motion.


For anyone curious, I asked and the competitor cancellation incentive on the Muse is 10% of whatever your cancelled amount was. AKA totally not worth it.


What proof do you have to provide? I’m sure you could game the system… :wink:


“Here is the Photoshop file of my receipt for 14 Pro’s…” LOL


BAHAHAHA. I wonder how many of those theyre gonna get


Unless there’s really careful fine print about how you had to have ordered the other machine before hearing of their offer, they got some interesting requests coming…

And of course anyone who decides to cancel a GF now should definitely get together with someone who’s planning to buy a muse.


Man, that is despicable. Now, hopefully, people might understand why the GF team has to be so tight lipped about things. For all we know, there could be someone in here we’ve been talking to from the beginning that works for FS and has been relaying info back.


Not me… I work at a state (province) sponsored scam according to @rpegg :grin:


It would surprise me if there wasn’t a FS employee (and other competitors) keeping tabs on this forum. Above and beyond the :glowforge: product info, there’s an awful lot of market data to be gleaned from all of the customer input here.


these forums are all open to the public to read, so there’s no real need.



Not sure I’d call it despicable. It’s a first-to-market advantage.

I’m actually surprised it’s only 10%. It’s definitely not a match feature-wise, and the Muse starts with a higher price tag. At least get it so the price is competitive.


Hmmm… I’m going to guess that Glowforge is not going to answer FSL if they try to confirm… So what if I were to produce an email receipt showing that I pre-ordered, say, 15 Pro + Air Filters? :slight_smile:

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They’re here. (Hi guys!)


I would have expected them to have made a preorder. In fact, I’d bet Epilog and Universal too. Gotta keep an eye on what the competition is doing so you can effectively sell against them. :slightly_smiling_face:




So true…

If you are in business competition, you have to know what services/products you are selling and how they differ to answer the consumer questions. Not being critical of the competition, but how your product/service differs and what makes yours more appealing to the purchaser.

It also make you aware of how to improve your product/service.


That’s my position. It’s inappropriate and I think counterproductive to criticize the competition in a sales situation. You’re right - you want to know about them so you can focus on the differences you provide that makes your product a better fit. And to find out what you’re going to potentially need to improve your product so you’re not falling behind.


I’ve seen management teams so preoccupied with denying the competition any knowledge of their products they completely ignore providing necessary information to their current customers and potential customers.


That’s the reciprocal of the competition focusing on bashing a competitor rather than taking their inspiration.

A company that is so close-mouthed gains a temporary advantage but at the cost of relationships. Instead, if you’re at all a creative place, your next new cool features/things are surely going to be followed by other even cooler stuff, again and again. If you believe this then the best your competition can do is be a “me too follower”, they’ll always be relying on you for their next thing. Meanwhile you’ve got a new next thing they’ll have to chase. You’re always a full dev cycle ahead of them so they’re always playing catchup. And your customers love you. And your reputation is that you’re the ones to bet on because you have the cool new stuff first.

Versus the “wizard behind the curtain” approach where it’s all secret. Sure, you delay the competition some more (but ultimately not to where it is significant in today’s product cycle process times - see “Muse”) - but you also get a reputation for being unfriendly, unhearing and closed as a company. That’s a different customer relationship. It may be one you’re okay with but it’s not the same.