Safety interlock, Lights not coming on. Alert active

My Machine is saying Alert Interlock open. I don’t even know what that is and I can’t find anywhere on the forum that talks about it. I am not able to do anything and have zero clue where or what the Saftey Interlock is. I looked on the back of the machine and see nothing open ? Anyone know what this is?

right above the plug-in

I found it. Yeah the little pin. We have removed it and put back in and restarted. Still same problem. Ugh I just got this machine replaced this is less than 2 weeks old. :frowning:

Hi @angela1 - I’ve just come across your email ticket for this issue and sent some steps along - I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble. To keep all our communication in the same place, I’m going to go ahead and close this topic and we can work through this issue together in that email thread. Thanks!

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