July 22, 2020, 1:19am
Hi friends!
I bought a human sized head SVG file and looking to make it smaller than the original size, but keep the cut slots the same. It’s created to fit 1/8 and i’d like to scale it to fit on two pieces of draft board…
for reference. Please let me know if this is possible in Inkscape!
Thank you
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Yes it is, and I’ve written it up. It’s difficult to search for, so I wont even get on you for “you should search first”.
No one:
Evansd2: What’s that?! You want a super long Inkscape hack post? ON IT.
So before I begin: This post in intended for people who are pretty familiar with Inkscape. If you don’t know how to modify nodes/paths, use clones, or rotate a guide, chances are you aren’t the target audience. That’s not to say that there isn’t something for everyone here, but just keep in mind that this isn’t intended as a beginner’s guide, so I will be moving quickly.
My goal: take an older tab-and-slot de…
July 22, 2020, 1:27am
Thanks, looks like it’ll be a huge time suck for me either way
PS - as a quick fix, I’m using cardboard for this 3D head
so, one option that is not super challenging,
we took a 3d “Baby Yoda” an sliced it up to this.
Baby Yoda
It also has the cross slice that your showing in your example. .
Here is an example of a few min of grabing a head off of thingiverse and using slicer.
August 23, 2020, 6:44am
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