Scoring on a cutter board double image?

I am scoring a basic dragon image. It worked fine on basic plywood, but when I but in mu cutting board it has a double image that did not happen with the plywood.
The cutting board is made of light and dark wood. Could that be the issue?

Welcome to the forum.

Which Glowforge do you have? How thick is the cutting board? Did you remove the honeycomb tray? Did you use the set focus tool prior to placing your design on the cutting board?

Which Glowforge do you have? Pro
How thick is the cutting board? 5/8" thick
Did you remove the honeycomb tray? No Should I?
Did you use the set focus tool prior to placing your design on the cutting board? yes

Any help would be great.

Kevin Daney

You need to remove the honeycomb tray for any items more than 1/2" thick. Once you remove the honeycomb tray, you must elevate your cutting board so that the surface to be engraved is between 1.5" and 2" from the floor of the Glowforge. Use the set focus on the board and then place your design.

Your file should score the same image on paper, plywood or a cutting board as the material does not change the file. Something else is going on. Could you share a photo of the double image that scored on your cutting board alongside the result on plywood?

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Thanks for replying.
I already planed off a thin layer.
Need to get the project done for my son quickly.
I did not take a picture.

Thanks I’ll try again if I have time.

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