Second passover option

I thought about something similar for the user manual in the section about saving the fine as SVG (not exporting) in AI. A warning that there are differences in SVG format between AI & Inkscape (actually everyone & Inkscape’s native odd changes to the SVG “standard”) but then I figured that would just be a rabbit hole - where do you stop?



You’ll probably remember when you made some test cuts for me of the wind chime ‘catchers’ earlier this year…about how files I attached to email came out differently for you? I think they were SVGs that I made in Affinity? (been so long ago, now)


I absolutely reported this. The slicer simply can’t give up with “Unknown Error”. That’s not a helpful response. And if this is an invalid XML file then it should catch that, and if the geometry is invalid it either needs to figure that out and warn you, or repair it, like Simplify3D can.


Yep. That’s when I dug into the whole SVG “standard”. Inkscape has it’s own implementation - I think it’s a variant on the compressed version. But there’s also SVG 1 and 2 so there are plenty of combinations. Just using the defaults (except that I embed images) when I do a File|Save As in Corel and it gets pulled into the GFUI correctly.


Project is now complete! Everything is weeded, and placed in envelopes. Being that we have a white tablecloth and it’s a fairly formal dinner, we wiped the sides with a damp paper towel to remove any residual ash, just so it doesn’t get on fingers.

By the way, the letters are deliberately misaligned, to remove that clue of alignment of pieces…


Clever :slight_smile:


We always like to know what bothers you!


I’m going to bet @Tony and crew are already aware of it, but I’ll write it up next week anyway.

(It’s not something that will keep the machine from doing it’s thing…it is literally just an annoyance for the designer.) :relaxed:

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So what’s the plan when one guest decides to see what the best scrabble score they can get from all the pieces available are?

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We are live. T-5 hours and counting… Have to go smoke 2 whole salmons I cured overnight (and I was thinking, I could just carve up a whole bunch of stuff in the GlowForge and hook that up to the salmon, but I don’t have Apple planking to carve today… :grin:)


This is so cool!

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That is a very impressive spread. Looks like you will have lots of great memories. :relaxed:

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And a year to convince my wife that a CNC machined leaf with integrated seder plate and afikomen safe is a good idea. Last night I got the “why do you think these things” look…


Oh shoot! And I forgot to mention it last night…hope everyone who celebrates it has a Happy Passover! That started today, didn’t it?

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At sunset! Don’t forget to stock up on bowel softeners… Matzos a cold hearted b####.

I hope your seder goes great. Enjoy your time together!

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Sundown last night. It’s 2 seders (the jewish calendar, like the muslim calendar is a lunar calendar - so “days” begin at sundown). While we normally do first night, it is my wife’s primary OR day, so didn’t want to not operate, so we swapped with my sister who lives nearby.


What a lovely table! I can’t wait to hear your guests’ reactions to the cool puzzles.

Chag Pesach Sameach.


So beautiful and worthy of the great meal and tradition. So inspiring. Thanks so much.