Selling used Glowforge

So i hate to say it cause i love my glowforge and the community but i just dont have the time or room for the laser anymore so i wanted to know if i needed to do anything on here through glowforge before i sell it and also is there a way i can keep my account cause i really enjoy the community and within the next couple of years would like to get another one when i have the time and room. note if anyone is in LA area hit me up. @dan


Thanks so much for asking about this. I’m sorry to hear you’re selling your Glowforge, but thanks for asking about the best way to do that.

User accounts are non-transferrable, so you’ll keep your account, any credits on your account, designs you have uploaded or purchased, as well as access to your Design Dashboard.

When you’re ready to transfer ownership of your Glowforge to someone else, invite them as a user to your machine. Once they’ve created their account, write to and let us know you’d like them to be set as the owner. We’ll do that, as well as remove all other users from the machine, including yourself.