Shipping nope not yet 😀

OHHHHH my got my first box of proofgrade!!! I’m dying it will be coming soon I hope!!! I hope I still don’t have to wait 4 more weeks!! :wink:

Well I certainly know how you feel. 6 months ago I thought I was getting mine in December '17. Then it changed to Jan '18. Then it went to April then May 3rd, then May 4th and now May 11th.
At this rate I will be lucky if I see it before Christmas.

That’s awesome, it kinda sounds like in general wait is usually well under 4 weeks once things start.

Is this for a basic or a pro in the US? When did you order?

It’s for a basic but I’m in Canada. I can’t for the life of me figure out why they aren’t able to ship to Canada yet. It should be just a matter of slapping the address on the box and sending it off. I order all kinds of stuff from the US with zero issues. I ordered the Glowforge in Oct 2015.

BRB Owner
January 19 |

OHHHHH my got my first box of proofgrade!!! I’m dying it will be coming soon I hope!!! I hope I still don’t have to wait 4 more weeks!!

That’s awesome, it kinda sounds like in general wait is usually well under 4 weeks once things start.

Well I certainly know how you feel. 6 months ago I thought I was getting mine in December '17. Then it changed to Jan '18. Then it went to April then May 3rd, then May 4th and now May 11th.

Is this for a basic or a pro in the US? When did you order?

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Ok something different this week. My email date was January 26 and of course it changed. It moved up 2 day to the 24th. Trying not to get excited

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Yes same here, mine is within 1-2 days now.

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Got box of proofgrade today (Jan 22) - shipping date has disappeared from my account page? Anyone have any idea what this means?? Thx!

They’ve got your order. Your build slot is assigned.

And the next box you get from GF is going to be really big.

If you haven’t prepped your space for it, now is the time because you only have a couple of weeks or so before you need a big flat space :slight_smile:


Thanks James - I’m ready with a big, flat, rolling table! :slight_smile: !!

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I just received the shipping address request e-mail. :sunglasses:

:thinking: the banner must not be correct because it still says day 30 but ordered 10 months after that. So if you’re worried about schedule not adding up like I was, it maybe the banner is simply out of date.


Yesterday my shipping date was Jan 16 or something, and today the shipping date has disappeared from my account page, and I get no email requesting my shipping address… Does anyone know what’s going on? will I get the shipping request email? or they just abandoned me? :sob:

This has been mentioned a few times. almost always means that your email will show up in the next 48 hours (usually, but not always, late evening hours PST).


Thank you very much!! I should have read more before I post…

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Yes the magic email came today. Now the real count down begins.

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Its coming TOMORROW!!! Whooo Hoooo…SO READY to play with this!!


It could also mean that they already sent the email but it went into your spam folder. So you should check into that as well.

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nope, it’s not there. I guess I will wait for the email to come. so excited!

Did you get an email for your GlowForge shipment? I just got my Proofgrade materials (and email for the Proofgrade materials) about the same time as you, but nothing solid like tracking for the GlowForge. I have been avoiding thinking about this for almost two years, because now that it may be coming soon, it’s all I think about :roll_eyes:!

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Jan. 1st was my email date for shipping info, got my proof grade but going into my 4 week and nothing yet. :frowning: I keep hearing it comes fast but not for me.
