@dan - In anticipation for the GF units being shipped out and hearing some possible issues with International shipping I am curious how shipping my unit might be impacted. Since we do not have a great deal of information about shipping yet, I am curious if Hawaii will be treated as a “US State” or “International”. Since many companies do NOT ship to Hawaii (and Alaska) most of the 48 contiguous US States don’t share the same issues. Can Hawaii customers expect any shipping issues of the actual GF unit and any future materials ordered; like Proofgrade materials?
What shipping price did you pay when you ordered? If it was $99 then pretty sure you are treated just like the rest of the U.S. Of course they probably won’t ship a Pre-production model to Hawaii. Not that it’s that big of deal, there’s just no benefit to doing so compared to the time and cost of the other 48.
My shipping cost was $99, but I don’t believe they ask for an address at the time we ordered the GF unit. (I order the GF-PRO so I had additional cost related to the Air Filter shipping). I agree that a Pre-production model won’t be sent to Hawaii, because of that I didn’t sign up for those units.
However, just because the cost was the same at the time I ordered my unit was the same as someone who ordered their unit that lives on the “mainland” doesn’t mean that it will actually be the same cost. If all things are equal they will either; 1) have to charge more at the time they ship my unit once they know my physical mailing address. or 2) GF will have to pay the difference in relation to the increased shipping cost to Hawaii.
My question is also about the “gifts” we will get and potential future orders I may choose to make. Like International customers I will have to make the decision to order items online not only evaluating the cost of the individual items but also the cost related to shipping. Since many companies choose not to ship to Hawaii I am curious what GF will choose to do.
If shipping to Hawaii truly isn’t an issue or isn’t expected to be a dramatically higher cost I would feel more comfortable getting a response from an actual GF employee, like @dan but greatly appreciate your input @rpegg.
Given how swamped the support team will be the next week and the hundreds of questions dan was asked last night I worry that your question could get lost for awhile. If it were me I might also ask support@glowforge.com a very short easily answered question about whether additional shipping costs will be due for orders to Hawaii.
The actual shipping cost to get the GF and accessories to anyone in the US, except those local to the Flex facility, will be more than $99. Glowforge is charging us a nominal flat rate; the actual shipping cost will be more than double that in many cases, whether on the mainland or to Hawaii.
Most companies ship to Hawaii and Alaska and not considered international - other taxes, tarrifs and fees apply to international that is the big difference.
Also Hawaii is a main hub for air transportation and shipping here in the pacific.