Shout out to Glowforge Support

I’m a long-time GF user and have had a few opportunities to contact GF support in the past. It was never really painful, but I wouldn’t say it left me overwhelmed. Situation always resolved satisfactorily (new cable, new machine, etc), but never a fast response. Today however, I got stuck in the homing/centering/scanning loop and tried the phone support (never had that option before). Got an associate immediately and problem was taken care of. The call may have been premature and I probably should have just waited a while for the machine to catch its breath, but whatever, everything is now working. As far as I’m concerned, a win for GF support!


That’s really good to hear. IMO, Glowforge, in cutting a path to success has been dragging an anchor in response time. The eventual solution has always been positive, but people today expect instant help.

That is huge! Thanks for the report! :sunglasses:


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