I know it’s a simple design, but I’m proud of figuring out kerf and creating this little pattern in Inkscape from scratch. I’m very interested in inlays and figured I’d start simple. Mahogany and stained birch. Thanks to so many of you for tips and tricks throughout this forum, I’ve been trawling for days
A really beautiful piece!
Nice! Love how the grain of the wood is nicely aligned pointing inward with the inlay.
Very nice.
I love the colors! That’s some really nice work you’ve done.
Terrific! Keep going! Now that you have kerf down, there is nothing you can’t do!
Looks like you have it mastered. Very nice looking.
Great color. Looks like a tight fit, so good job!
would make a nice necklace. you could engrave the kids (grandkids) etc in the inlays pieces.
I love how you have the grain of the inlay “pointing” to the center. It gives it a unique look having the grain rotate with the orientation.
Really pretty. Can’t wait to see what else you come up with!
Excellent job on that, especially with the grain orientation!
Beautiful! What type of glue did you use?
No glue- I miraculously got the kerf adjustment perfect so it was a snap-in-to-place situation. They are there to stay
This is why I use finger joints xD I don’t. Do. Glue.
I did everything I could to figure out a way to make my displays with NO GLUE, so I use double sided 3M tape.
Well done kerf is going to be your friend now that you’ve tamed it! Usually I accomplish this by offsetting both objects by .006".
Beautiful. I’m so jealous. I struggle with boxes and kerf. What resources helped you most? I would love to take a formal Inkscape course.
There are a number of box creating software both website and app for Inkscape.
Tbh, it was this user forum and trial and error. And I would pay money to get tutoring on Inkscape and illustrator. It’s like a foreign language and I’m too busy and too old to learn new tricks I think some of the old timers here should go into the tutoring business!
Many old timers here were just beginners not long ago. I had never opened Inkscape before buying my Glowforge and never opened illustrator even now. My 74th birthday was this month, but there are others here a bit older than myself.