Slow Servers

Doesn’t sound random then; it sounds like your modem was the issue. You had a problem, you rebooted the modem, the problem went away. Pretty common cause and effect. Local network issues are one of the leading reported causes of connection issues for the GF. It is sensitive to WiFi strength and interference.


Please open your own support thread. They can only assist one owner per ticket, and you’re just cluttering up this one about an unrelated issue.

So weird, I have trouble with complex DXF files too! :thinking: :joy:

For my issue it may not have been servers at all but my file - I haven’t researched it yet because what I’m trying to complete is a pencil holder for my daughter when she goes off to college in a few months, so it’s not a high priority for me.

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if only DXF format knew what a bezier curve was, so many problems could be avoided.


In OpenSCAD you have full control over the angular resolution of all geometric elements, by setting the $fn global variable for the entire drawing, or by specifying a $fn value for any geometric component.


// Six-sided hexagon:
circle(d=10, $fn=6);


// Sixty-sided polygon:
circle(d=10, $fn=60);

// 360-sided polygon:
circle(d=10, $fn=360);


// Set the default resolution for all objects that don’t have an explicit resolution:
$fn = 120; // 120 segments per revolution, aka 3 degrees per side

The higher value of $fn you use, the more memory, disk space, and computer power will be needed to process it. If you are having issues with render speeds, try reducing the resolution. It isn’t actually all that critical a lot of the time.


I’m so sorry for the trouble.

Can you tell me the approximate time you were having trouble? I can check the logs around that time.

Or if you can tell me the URL when you’re editing the design, I can look into it that way as well.

It’s been a little while since I’ve seen any replies on this thread so I’m going to close it. If you still need help with this please either start a new thread or email