So disappointed with My GF and Customer support

I am so disappointed with my machine and customer services.
I try to contact customer support because my machine doesn’t score, cut, or engrave at all. I just got a auto reply. I this this was a great company but I guess I was wrong. The machine reads the material and once I push the bottom move like it is cutting but doesn’t cut, engrave or score.
I have check on the community page and did all the troubleshoots and still the same. I would like some help to solve this problem. Lens, mirror and white ribbon clave have been check and all is good.
I had people asking for referral code, after this problem I am so discouraged to share or recommend!


this machine.

You’ve opened a support ticket with Glowforge by emailing them, and they’ll investigate what’s going on with your machine and get back to you. Depending on the issue, it may take some time for them to pull logs from your machine and have a technical expert review them before they respond. Posting here has opened a second ticket which they’ll need to also merge with the first. They do also have a live support chat, but you’ll have to wait until Monday before that’s available. It’s currently a weekend. As a Glowforge owner for many years, they are a great company, and they will take care of you and your machine. It may just take a little time.


Thank you for your message but I really hope a real person contact me and help not auto email they don’t get back with me even on week day.
How long you have your machine with out issue my last maybe a year so upsetting pay so much money and it broke in a year and not customer support.
Thank you!

The fact that you even received the automated email response is good…it means that they have received your request for help and they will be back to you as soon as they have more information. They need the time to determine how best to help you and that’s not always an instant thing. Just be patient…they will be in touch with you.


Can you upload a screen shot of your screen as it looks when you tell it score/cut/engrave? Also, what material are you using?

I use proof grade material and the file is the gift file the suggest to trouble shoot with it. thank you!

First it looks as though your settings are wrong, the GOGM should take more time than that to finish.

It does take more time. I took the screenshot after I run my GF to see if I had any luck but I didn’t and I took the screenshot in the middle of the job. I will take a bother shoot as soon as I get home. I think it take like 3 minutes plus.

3:33 is the time thanks!

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can you look at the different jobs and give us time and power settings? I’m just trying to see if there is anything that looks strange.

Hi Ivette,

My name is Mercedes and I’m part of the Technical team here at Glowforge and I’ll be helping you troubleshoot today. It looks like I’m already helping you solve this via email.

I’m going to go ahead and close this forum post now. If you have any other questions or need help with anything else feel free to send a message our way by either creating an email ticket or a new forum post!