Solid green light after reset no wifi

After hard reset, machine turns on , and all I get is a green light(could be teal),

My PC nor Phone “see” the SSID “GLOWFORGE CMW-793” . My wifi scanner does for 10s or so then it disappears.

Full history: tried to connect to my machine to trace a shape. Said it was offline …

My Router didn’t say it was conencted so i went and tried to reset wifi settings on the GF. It broadcasted teh setup wifi, but i couldn’t connect with any of my devices. I tried a factory reset (probobly shouldn’t have).
Now the GF just turns on and starts with the solid green (teal) light.

Is thelight supposed to be flashing ?
Also my GF is a second round Kickstarter device(if that matters).

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I’m sorry there wasn’t an earlier response to this. There’s a good chance your router has “updated” your 2.4 channel to a 5 channel, which cannot connect to the Glowforge.
Do you know how to check for that?
If yes, great. Let us know if that fixes it.
If no, let us know what brand/model your router is and someone can get you instructions.