I was preparing to go visit my aunt and uncle in Canada with my mother and wanted to make a more personal gift for them. My mothers side of the family has a long history of ginger ale as the family owned a company that made it for a couple of generations
I then drew a bottle shape using a similar picture as a reference and did some score line shading for the top of the bottle since that part was traditionally colored green or gold and ended up with a decent looking ornament shape.
then off to the Glowforge after I loaded it up with some of the lighter colored hardwood (Maple?)
I had to do a few minor revisions before I got the shapes I wanted separated into the right jobs so I could use raster, score and cut jobs. It cut nicely the first try. I could probably reduce the power of the score lines a bit still, but the darker lines they produced in the center look pretty cool I think.
I removed all the little protective paper bits and added some ribbons to finish them off and they look pretty nice. Now my mother and her brother each get one
I’m a big believer that something simple that is more personal is much better. But personal with a family as well as historical tie will make it treasured. You may have set the bar quite high for next year… and the next! ha!