Spare Power Cable Anyone?

Hello! I mistakenly shipped my power cord back w/ my Pro for repair, and the temporary one they sent didn’t include one. Glowforge shipping is $25 for a $5 item. Does anyone have a spare cord they would sell me and NOT charge ridiculous shipping??? TIA

I’m pretty sure the power cord is a standard power cord. You may have one from another appliance that will fit or pickup one from amazon or a local department store… Someone correct me if I’m wrong :grinning:


The cord is a standard appliance cord. If you don’t have an extra from an old computer lying around you can get one from Best Buy, Amazon and any number of other places.


If you have a small computer shop near you I have gotten them there for free in the past.


Some tvs may have it, but they’ve got to the very thin box fan style over the last few years. Computer monitors, computer towers still use the same kind of cable. Some heavier duty speakers, UPS battery boxes. Or Amazon might be able to same day it to you.

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Try going to any of today’s estate sales to get a computer cord.

Even Home Depot sells them…

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Thanks all! I just want to make sure the cord I get is properly rated. Have a great day!!