Spooky Scraps

We just got back from vacation and I was literally doing that with any earrings I saw someone wear. I did buy one Route 66 Christmas ornament because it would have been a pain to make (as I am not an artist nor do I want to paint teeny detail) and this was inexpensive but looked cool.

would love to see someone make one out of scraps now that would be fun! I bet mother-in-law would like that for a “kit” to make with family members at the family reunion she has every October. Could start (who am I kidding, I have scraps but enough for a large family gatherinig??) collecting them if I could figure out how to make it simple enough for kids to do (with parental guidance).

I’m not seeing the file either.

I was so excited to do these and the file doesn’t work :slightly_frowning_face:

I use them to start my fireplace every winter.

Looks like it’s been taken down. If you are wanting the file, PM the author and ask.