Stays in Cooling Down Mode

Hello, my laser is less than a year old. I primararly cut leather on it. My laser stopped in the middle of a project and went to cool down mode. It will not come out of cool down mode. The yellow button comes on soon as it is turned on. GF isnt covering under warranty because they said it appears to have a corrosive on the door. (I dont use anything corrosive on it)
Anyways, they sent me a new circuit board, I replaced it and the yellow light still comes on. Can anyone help or have same issue?
It takes weeks to get 4 emails back and forth and getting pissed off. They refuse to use a phone. Thanks in advance

Sounds like you already have a support ticket going…and from what you’ve said so far, it’s doubtful anyone here would be able to help more. Their support is actually excellent though sadly, pretty slow. They don’t offer phone support at all, so I suppose saying they ‘refuse’ to use it might be another way of saying it. Just try to be patient…if there’s anything that can be done, they will sure do it. When you say you 'primarily ’ cut leather with it…does that mean you’ve used no other materials? And, when you say leather, do you mean real leather and not faux leather? Answers to those questions might help give more insight into your problems.


I use real leather. Other materials include wood and some acrylic. He offered the circuit board or buy a refurbished unit . I told him if my pro didn’t last a year, why would I waste more money on a refurbished unit.

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There are a lot of chemicals that can damage the Glowforge that can be found in either the tanning process, or in faux leather. Chlorine, Sulfur, and Nitrogen based chemicals can join with water and make an acid that can attack all sorts of places, and copper, chrome, and perhaps other metals can also make a mass. PVC has been shown to be devastating in just a single cut.

On a more practical point I have seen the head actually heat up in “cooling down” mode to the point that it was hot to the touch. If I had not stopped it I think it would have seriously damaged the laser head, but checking that out might be more repairable.

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My first Pro did not last a year but discovered that it was my use of magnets that was ultimately causing the problem. Since then things have worked much better. Being very rigorous in what materials you are using could go a long way to making the machine last. Even though it does not require a technical degree to use it, all those issues that do require the degree are still there, so it (and all similar) are far more delicate than even a CNC, just by the nature of what they are doing.

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