Stepper Motor Gantry Wheel Issues?

@Mike.D thank you for your help!
I may need to order a new belt and would love to explore those options

Hi @gkbowtique. I appreciate the quick response and photos of the Gift of Good Measure test prints. I went ahead and created an email ticket (298143) to help replace the carriage plate belt @Mike.D mentioned in his last response. Can you let me know if you have received my email? I’ll leave this thread open until we can confirm that. Thanks!

@Mike.D I can check my junk e-mail but I am not sure that I received an email yet, just the Glowforge forum emails.

Hey there @gkbowtique, I’m sorry you haven’t received the email that Brandon sent yesterday. I’ve just resent the email to you again to your @gmail account. Could you please check again and let me know if you still don’t receive it? Thank you!

Hi @gkbowtique. I just wanted to let you know we received your response to Morgan’s follow up email now. I’ll go ahead and close this thread to continue the discussion on email, and appreciate you getting back to us so quickly. Thanks.