Stuck on centering. again

Every time i clean my glowforge (and I follow all their instructions carefully) my machine will not work the next day. It has now been over 24 hours and i have yet to hear from support and my machine will not work. i have tried all the things i have done previously, replaced the black cable, centered the print head under the camera, turned off and reconnected wifi, unplugged and left off with the lid up then tried again later. Left it off all night last night, closed all blinds and turned off lights, covered with a blanket while turning on to block external light…It hasnt worked since tuesday. It will come on and the fan will kick on and it will calibrate and then click like its going to move and then nothing.

I’m so sorry to hear about the trouble with being stuck on centering.

I just replied to your email with the next steps. I’ll continue to work on this with you there, so this post will be closed.