Suhweet leather wallet!

That is super awesome!!!


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Danggggg, yeah, this is gorgeous! :sparkles:

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Excellent work! Just curious, when you say you engraved the hex pattern with acrylic, how exactly do you mean? You create a hex pattern on the GF and then you “press” the acrylic plate onto the leather?

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I engraved a plate of thick clear acrylic with the hex pattern on the GF. Then I pressed it into the leather using vice grips overnight. Hope that makes sense.


Love it.

It makes great sense. Thank you! I didn’t realize how well leather takes imprints like that.

That really is a suhweet wallet! Can you possibly shed some insight on how you went about making the alcohol ink(how much of each?) And then how you applied it? The blue is stunning! How has it held up? Thank you!

Thanks! I used 1/4 cup 91% rubbing alcohol and dropped the felt cartridge from inside a sharpie into it. Let it sit overnight, then brushed it onto the leather after it was cut with a foam paint brush. It has held up really well! Let me know if you have any other questions.


thank you for the reply. I guess I do have one more question… DId you wet the leather with water or alcohol before brushing on? I am reading varied accounts and not sure which to do!


I brushed it onto dry leather. I used water afterward when I pressed the design

Nice idea to use a custom-cut acrylic plate for a texture stamp!

Wow so Pretty.

May I ask where you found the pattern for it?
Great Job!

Super work! I’m always a fan of combining different techniques to bring your vision to life.

I purchased a pdf pattern from which I modified a bit, and added the stitching holes so they could be laser cut.

I’m new to the leather work on a GF, so forgive the newbie question, but do you happen to know what the limit of thickness for cutting leather is? I’m wanting to use 1/4" to cut earrings and thought I’d ask before throwing it on the GF. Thanks!

I love it!! Did you engrave it after you painted it?

According to the original post, the leather was not engraved. An acrylic press was engraved.

I’ve used leather for earrings and would suggest you just use medium weight…about 1/8" thick.