Super Glowforge survives battle with the Brown Menace! Kryptonian technology comes through for truth, justice, and the Maker Way!

Both FedEx and UPS allow shippers to waive signatures, however that also means they would not insure those packages. GF must have 3rd party insurance.


They shipped the PRUs via FedEx.

I’m sure they are insuring the Production units though…that was just supposition on my part. :relaxed:


They could be self-insuring.

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Self-insuring or third party could be a possibility. They aren’t insuring through the courier if they aren’t requiring signature proof of delivery.

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I found an easel on a “free table” this evening while walking the dog. Score!



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So sorry to hear about your bad luck. Glad you have some warcraft and wine to tide you by.


Signatures are required for production units - although of course individual employees may enforce differently. :confused:


not to mention that once you start shipping $$ items in volume, the amount that you get in insurance from the carriers goes down drastically. i have often had to ship some pretty expensive computers and tech using their accounts; there was an issue once where a $6k alienware system went missing (not sure what happened to it, but i had my fedex receipts so i was golden, at least).

i commented on the fedex insurance to the aw rep and he was like oh man, it doesn’t matter; they’d only give us a few bucks because we have such a low rate on shipping (from shipping so many computers).

I once accidentally had 30 TVs delivered to my home address instead of my school address. They weren’t even in brown boxes. They were brightly colored with pictures of flat screens on the front. They were delivered around noon and were all still piled up on my porch when I got home at 5pm. So, I would feel pretty good about my GF being on my stoop when I got home on the day of delivery, but a signature also gives me a reason to take the day off and be there when it arrives!

Of course, if it were to arrive before mid August, I would be off for the summer and wouldn’t need to worry about that. Additionally, I could share more projects with you fine folks since, until then, my days won’t be filled with teaching high schoolers. :wink:


oh my god how miserable was it getting them to the school

Thankfully, a colleague with a large vehicle offered to help transport them to school. They weren’t very heavy as each was only 19" or so, but there were still more of them than would fit in my car.