Surprisingly paid off the glowforge :)

Welcome to the forum.

Thanks. I have agonized over whether or not to purchase a GF and finally took the plungeā€¦


Canā€™t wait to see what you make with it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Designed and Created for my son.


Awesome! Looks great, is that dye/stained wood for the color?


Colored Pencil

Great work!!! Amazing!


Extremely impressive!! Wow!

DAMN! Very nice! I just ordered my GF and canā€™t wait to get it even more now. Pro work all the way!

Referring to the piece with the iPad screen and skeleton, OMFG!! This looks like itā€™s going to be AMAZING! I will definitely be attempting layered artwork like this when I get my GF. The way you lay things out is great. Good eye for detail sir.

Cool man, let me know if you need any help when your GF gets up and running


HOLY CRAP BROTHER!! I continue to be stunned by your attention to detail and artistic abilities. Very inspiring!


Thanks man, got a big project im about half way through with that ill be posting to the forum. Im carving out the frame on the cnc, incorporating some 3d models and working on the digital effects. Its my biggest commission yet. Its been a fun one


That is colossal! Good work!

Wow I just posted a picture of a magnet I made a few minutes ago :joy: I think I have a lot of learning to do. This is so ahead of my time. Awesome job and would love to see what you create in the future.


My GF is being delivered in two days. I already have designs ready but that tablet effect is off the chain!

Do you have an Insta or youtube channel or something we can follow? Also, what kind of 3D printer do you have? Amazing work. Would love to learn how to add the tablet screens in the back.

Ahhh now I get it. Was wondering how you added color to your cuts. Nice.

I came across these when I was looking for my deployed sonā€™s homecoming. You are inspiring!

Dude! Totally Awesome creations. You gave me some great ideas. Thanks for posting.

No problem. I run a dedicated site now if you want some more ideas.