SVG Help needed

Hello Everyone I am in need a some help. I have a picture that I need converted into layers into a SVG for laser printing A.S.A.P

If anyone can help me do it or create it for me I would be grateful. Please contact me so that I am able to send the picture to you for reference. Thank you in advance.

If you have a photo that you want broken into individual layers that’s not a quick job.
You could post the art here to give us a better idea of what you’re trying to do, and maybe someone would volunteer - but in the end if speed is your most important factor, you might be better off hiring someone from Fiverr or similar.


Thank you for the response. I appreciate any help I can get, I am trying to help a friend with a birthday surprise gift. Here is the photo:

I’m so sorry for not seeing your response! That’s not too difficult of a split since it’s so few colours. If you still need it: (1.2 MB)


My reply is for any future SVGs you might need,
there are some SVG creators that sometimes work well, depending on the image.
Adobe has one (free)
Just in case that is helpful, I thought I’d share.


Thank you so much! Im trying to learn and sometimes I jump in head first, lol! Thank you very much for these. They will help greatly.


Yes! Thank you. I accidently found that this afternoon but I still struggled to seperate the colors. I guess I need much more practice. :slight_smile:

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You are not alone, we all need lots of practice in the beginning! :smiley:

If you want to learn how to make your own designs from scratch, there are courses out there to learn using Adobe Illustrator or cheaper apps like Affinity or Silhouette Studio Business Edition.
But many people just get their SVG designs from other places like the Glowforge catalog, Design bundles, etsy, etc.

Just depends on what you plan to do!


I am a teacher and I want to bring this craft and knowledge to my students grades 6-8. So I am exploring all options. I will look into these sites for sure. Thank you!

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oh cool! My son’s school was trying to get some but that hasn’t happened yet. (They’ll probably get one when he’s off to high school LOL)

I wish more schools would go back to the trades and include things like this. I am lucky to have this at our school.


I would definitely teach Inkscape, Gimp, and perhaps Blender. All are free and opensource and excellent core skills to build from to do any artwork in the computer.


Not to mention really capable and powerful programs.

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I have found those three programs to be as capable and powerful as alternatives, and even doing much that I have not learned to do in those programs. I spent a lot of time learning how to use Art-Cam but now all that effort is useless without access to the now dead program. More capable and powerful is not very useful if you do not have access, and as they are increasingly acting like a gangster protection racket the effort to learn the program just gives them more of that power.

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I know what you mean I have had a few programs I really loved over the years disappear.

made me both sad and frustrated.


Thank you all! This is very helpful information. I will be looking into and learning more about these programs.

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You can even use canva to make designs. And even my 12 year old learned how to use canva at school, so it should be relevant. :slight_smile:

@rbtdanforth I can’t bring myself to use gimp anymore after hearing how they refuse to change the name. I haven’t used it in a really long time anyway, but… smh.


Yeah, with you on the name thing. It’s part of why I always do it as initials when I write about it - my tiny protest.


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