Swords for Grandkids

I’ve got 3 kids, but so far only one has shown any interest in procreating, and she says she’s finished. Two grandkids might be all I’m going to get. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well now they be needing helm and :shield: shields … I have a feeling you’re just getting started!


I’d say you’ve far exceeded “Best Grandma of the Year Award.” Those are too cool! :smiley:

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Well as long as you are going there…


Awesome work!


Those are wonderful! I think you have inspired me!


Those look fantastic. I’ve been thinking about doing a stacked design for a couple of projects, I definitely will now. So many questions thought.
What is the overall length of the blade, did you have to use a Pro passthrough to cut that long? (my pro passthrough still doesn’t work)

Did you cut just a few sizes for the circles, and then sand them to the final design, or is each one individually sized?

How did you do the stacked wood around the hilt? are the half pieces, or do they go all the way around?

Do you have any intermediate photos as you were putting them together.

My kids love swords. I’ve built more than I can count over the years, but still haven’t made one I’m satisfied with on the glow forge.

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I didn’t actually create the design, so I can’t take credit for its genius. :slight_smile: And no, I don’t have a Pro.

The blade, not including any of the handle, is about 14" long.

The handle is made up of stacked ovals – they are sized to approximate the final shape, so there are lots of different sizes, with numbers scored on them to keep them straight. The stacked pieces around the hilt, as you guessed, are halved.

I didn’t take photos as I was building, since I was working on a deadline – sorry about that! Search for @evansd2’s sword posts in Made on a Glowforge, though – I think he may have included process photos in some of them, and this is one of his (unpublished) designs.


I tagged them, so it’s easy:
