Taiwanese DC-6040-N Laser

Yeah I ordered one from the company will be delivered in about 17 days will upload pics and answer anything on this as well.

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Hope soon we will at least have some other options I know one thing that makes GF awesome is the software and shared platforms. We may even keep the GF and just order this one so we can continue to work.
I am glad that we all at least can see what other options are out there for us.


Something about it reminds me of an easy bake oven.

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This point we are looking at upgrading to a TA-G9060SL 130 W laser 900x600 work space

Concerning the W.Geike laser you used in the past. How was their customer service? Were parts readibly available? Just wanted your opinion…Im looking into replacing one of my existing lasers. :grinning:

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You’ve had more than 3 months to play… what did you think?

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I’d bet it is in the same corner as the K40.

Catching up on some old posts! @dan, what did you think of this little guy?!

Far too dangerous to power up - it’s a class IV laser with no safety enclosure, at a visible wavelength where it can do the most damage.


maybe you could stuff it into an empty, gutted glowforge enclosure…
(but not until sometime after July 2017)