Tea dispenser

Hi I’m looking for a design for a tea organizer? Would anyone have one that they can share or I can purchase the blue print.

Welcome to the forum.

There have been many designs shared in the Free Laser Designs category of the forum that may suit your purpose. Also, there are box making sites that can be used. One popular one is boxes.py.

The search function of the forum is a powerful tool that will enhance your Glowforge experience.

FYI it is against forum rules to ask for files from other users. FAQ - Glowforge Owners Forum


Thank you.

Here is a design you might consider, and the OP has an Etsy store. Click on his avatar to see his store link. Cup of tea anyone?


Welcome to the forum. This is a great source for information. The search feature here and in the catalog helps find things too. There is at least one in the catalog, dutch Tulips Tea dispenser. Is this what you are looking for?


This is exactly what I’m looking for… Tank You.

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