Technical support

I have a problem with the GF, I sent an email on Thursday and until now I do not have an answer … I need a response Technical support.

They say up to 3 business days for a live response. So that’d be sometime today. I wouldn’t worry until tomorrow.

If you think it might be software/file related, posting some details about it here might get assistance from the community, of course. If, however, it is that something is outright broken (coolant leak, or shattered laser tube), you’ll need staff attention for sure.

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I would suggest that if it’s important/time-sensitive then posting the problem may get it resolved quicker even for things like alignment, network, non-op, etc as there are a lot of experienced folks here with varied backgrounds. Support is not always able to meet the 3 day response target.

The downside is that duplicate reports are their lowest priority. That may not be a concern if you get it fixed via the community though :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds like it’s a duplicate already (now). Nothing to lose!

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You may wish to remove your email address from your post to prevent it from becoming a spam target.

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Thanks for letting us know. We followed up in your email about this and we’re working on it there, so I’m going to close this topic.