Test file set up

I am trying to create a material test file and i am having issues getting it to import as separate objects into the Glowforge app. thought is to create each circle as it’s own power/speed setting.
This file was created in illustrator and all objects are on its own layer. when i import into app it comes in as one piece of art.
any thoughts?

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The GFUI ignores layers. It sets the different steps by color. You will have to make each item a different color to accomplish your goal.


this ordered swatch file might be helpful:


yes! thank you.
now my next question is when i select the object and apply a setting to it how do i know which on it is in the left hand panel? when i select the object on the main page it doesn’t show which it is on the left panel.
I’m so close!!!
thank you!

If you select or hover over an item in the left panel, the object outline in the bed will change colors. For steps that don’t have any settings applied yet, the change is minimal, dark grey to light grey. If you have settings applied, it changes from red to blue. I wish selecting an item in the bed would highlight the step in the left hand panel. That would be quite helpful (and is the behavior I would expect to see).


There’s a full 26 color sequence in this posting:

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oh, nice!

thanks! super helpful!

thank you for your help.
that all works

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Thanks for the answers @jbv and @cynd11, that’s right. I’m going to close this thread - if the problem reoccurs, go ahead and post a new topic. Thanks for letting us know about this!