Text2Vector (Free Vector Text Generator)

I’ve made a similar tool… Maybe we should join forces?


Hey, that looks sweet! I like the upload feature. This looks pretty full featured.

Nice work. Are you actively developing new features?


Would you look at all those fonts! Thanks!


Sure, I am developing new features and anybody can make a feature request through Github issues.


Your output looks just as complicated and bloated as Hershey Text from Inkscape.

I do like that you have the different fonts, but how is this different than using Inkscape? (Other than the load times.)

Do you have an option for a less complicate font and bezier-curves?

Edit: Reviewing the network transmission, it looks like your app could use a font that uses bezier-curves. It just looks like you don’t have any fonts that do it. I might see if I can generate a font file that works with your app.


Thanks for sharing this too. I am sure it will be very helpful to lots of people here.

When I first started this project for myself, it was just to make something less complicated. I was trying to keep the complexity and size of the final product low.


Yeah, my tool is not much different than Hershey Text in Inkscape, it’s just more convenient (can be used on tablet) and has a few more options.

It supports SVG fonts so bezier curves are not a problem, just the glyphs have to be in certain format within the SVG font.

There is also this interesting project that allows creating of SVG fonts: https://github.com/inconvergent/gridfont


Do SVG fonts support kerning (adjustments between certain combinations of characters)?

I didn’t see a place for that type of data in the source file for the SVG fonts.

Do you have a link to use to submit feature requests? I could not find the project on GitHub.

Please let me know if anyone has any issues with this tool, or if you have any suggestions! Thanks!

Looks like I could also allow for different fonts if that is of interest? I would want to slightly modify them to bezier curves (of course) to simplify the nodes. So if that is a desired feature, please let me know which public font you are interested in!


Not to pressure you or anything, but I’d love to see what you could do to optimize a few more fonts.

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Do you have a font in mind? Or should I just grab one? I might start with the default “Hershey Text” font. (Would call the new version “T2V Hershey Text”.)

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This is not a good candidate for bezier curves, but I’d love to have a version of the old font used on Atari vector arcade machines, such as Asteroids. But that’s simple enough that even I could probably do it.

The one I think would be really cool for a lot of people in the CNC space would be a (fixed pitch?) drafting font, like you would see on one of those plastic ruler-templates.



That was my first thought but that’s pretty much what we’ve already got, no?


“I told him we already got one!”

EDIT: Auto-play video removed to preserve forum tranquility.


Please no auto play audio. Can’t safely read forum during Zoom calls.


Just say “I thought I told you kids to stay out of my office while I’m working!”

Duly noted.


I’m loving this but as it rapidly evolves I’m having trouble with version control. Would it be too much to ask for version # somewhere on the page? I’m caught up for now but…

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That is a great idea! I will implement that for the next version.

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