The Battle Rages On

I have the narrow cans of tuna because that is all we eat at one time (plus it is usually cheaper); maybe if I taped 2 cans together? LOL I have really appreciated having these. I used to have 3 IKEA RASKOG (?) in the dining room with cans and bottles on them. I am down to 1 cart which has glass jars, tuna cans, LARGE cans (just a few) and 6 ounce tomato paste. Our pantry is very small.


Mine have had those cans rolling down the slanted wood and banging into the front. @Jules has a good design with the double front to help with that. I did wood glue mine and clamp it overnight. Actually this is my most favorite 2 items in the catalog!!!

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I should wear my glasses in the morning :face_with_spiral_eyes: I thought that last was cans of Ratel :grimacing:

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:joy: I have better taste than that, I bought a Glowforge after all LOL

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Now, whenever I hear someone (on tv or other) say that they are going to open a can of whoop-ass on someone I will think of your photo. :grin:


I love these pantry can dispensers! Is there anyway to resize to a medium size?? The small pantry can dispenser is just a little bit to small for my bean cans and the large pantry can dispenser won’t fit in my cabinet…. Thank you so much in advantage for any help! :blush:

You could make the entire design just a little bit bigger by scaling everything just a bit by say up to 5% without too much damage beyond needing more glue and having to scooch things a bit tighter to keep them in the cutting area but you would have to do the math, and everything would have to be the same percentage.

I did that with a design where the wood was a hair thicker than proofgrade, but aside from what @Jules (the Artist) might suggest, the alternative is to design one from scratch yourself.

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But then you”ll have to catch one of those mysterious creatures who goes through all the dungeons and keeps all those torches lit. I’ve never even seen one.


Thank you so much for your help! I’m going to try that! Much appreciated. :blush:


Yes, my friend had one and one of her cats got shut in overnight - what a mess!