First project, success! Maple ply escutcheon for Southern Oracle (yes, we named our laser after the all-seeing laser-eyed sphinxes of The Neverending Story). Our ventilation might need some work, but the outcome is stellar!
Used medium clear acrylic for the button itself. The kerf space between the wood and the acrylic is surprisingly wide, I’ll have to check my settings on that, or maybe there’s kerf compensation settings that I’ve missed. In any case, a successful first night, excited to play more soon.
Hey @willcfc thanks so much! Yes indeed, line art and oldschool 3D for red/blue glasses are my focuses. Very excited to finally expand the line art into flat and layered materials with the GF!
Thanks again! More to come for sure. For this one, I do have some other plans for the illustration coming up, so let’s table that discussion for now.
That does raise an interesting topic though for the Hopper @dan , what if users could share a design straight to another user’s dashboard but with a limited use, similar to how some of the design catalogue is set up for single print?
AWESOME!! Really great design and the contrast on the maple is beautiful.
Yeah, acrylic kerf can be quite large and I usually start at .005. But acrylic kerf can change depending on how narrow the piece is and other factors. We had quite the discussion on it here.