The Obligatory Escutcheon

That’s another reason to not burst anyone’s bubble. :wink:
(I’m really quite average, looks-wise. Pretty boring.)


On the internet everyone is a hedgehog until prove otherwise?


I’ve been noticing (& perhaps erroneously - maybe confirmation bias) that there appears to be a much higher proportion of dark hair/light eyes then there was 30 years ago. It used to be the light hair/eye combo and dark hair/eye combo were normative and light hair/dark eyes was a potential (probable) indicator she dyed her hair. Genetics suggests an overall tendency for dominant genes like those controlling dark hair/eyes to grow in prevalence in a heterogeneous society. But the opposite appears to be happening.

@henryhbk might know whether it’s really happening or if it’s me only noticing the cases that support what I think I see.

(Told you I’d be ADHD nowadays. A mind is a terrible thing not to let wander :slightly_smiling_face:)

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Nowadays though, anyone can have any color eyes they want. (I’ve always wanted to get a set of those cat’s eyes contacts…wicked.)


I’ve come very close a few times to getting vampire or werewolf lenses. I wanted some subtle differences to see if folks at work noticed.

Naturally, I appear hair color dominant, eye color recessive. That isn’t the appearance I was born with.

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My non-glowing SG-1 escutcheon was seeming a bit bland, so while today’s amazing announcements were flooding the forum, I made this…

Decided to call it SR-1. Yup, Slide Rule 1 :sunglasses:

Proofgrade Cherry ply, btw.


I like that. Pondering making one that resembles a safe dial, now.


Now that’s one I wouldn’t mind having as well. You must offer that in the catalog. :smile:
(Don’t you dare try to send it to me…I want to buy it.)


I took a slide rule to work once and nobody knew what it was. Kind of sad. We thought we were cool in school and wore them on our belts like little swords. :grin:


Woohoo! Outstanding. I love it.

That is awesome, now I want a e6b tsd slide rule for an escutcheon.


Yeah. I had fire ones once for Halloween. But it’s hard to get pale blues, greens and greys on top of brown eyes.

But I do look for that if I’m close enough.

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I’ve been beeping my eye out for one of the big teaching models that use to hang on the wall.

About 10 years ago, Pottery Barn Kids (of all places) had one that was less than $100, but all the scales were wrong! Would not have come close to a right answer.


Not gonna go there! ROFL!

I don’t know how to use one, (by the time I got into engineering the calculator had replaced the slide rule), but I inherited one from my dad, and I’d like to learn to use it one day. :slight_smile:


So nice that I have the classic colorless/blue these days. I can use lenses to get any color.

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It’s wonderful! Very cool idea. Now you need to figure out how to use it to figure out material height when the crumb tray is removed. :wink:


:thumbsup: That’s a great idea. The navy used to use a lot of nomographs and circular rules as job aids-- I’ll have to see what I can come up with.


The difference between appearance and functionality. Maybe a Pro user can put together something for you in the pass-through slot.


I have one of the teaching models. Pm me and maybe we can get it to you.


I had the wolf eye ones back in the days before mandatory prescriptions for non-prescription contact lenses became a thing here in the US.
They were pretty neat. Didn’t wear them near often enough to justify the cost but that’s what being young and stupid is about.
I’d still buy them today if I knew I’d have places to be wearing them. :slight_smile: