"Then and Now" picture frame

I cut the pieces for the “Then and Now” picture frame. I’m not sure how they go together. Are there any assembly instructions available?

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Click on the 3 dots; then on design details, etc.

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I cannot find three dots. Where might they be located?

Thanks, have a great day!

Kenneth Samson

“Do what you love, love what you do”

The three dots are are the top right of center of the app screen:
Screen Shot 2020-12-27 at 5.47.11 PM
That will bring you to the menu where you can select “Design Details”
Screen Shot 2020-12-27 at 5.52.05 PM
Which will give you a list of instructions:


Hi there - I am so glad to see that the community was able to help out so I am going to close this topic now!

Most catalog items have assembly instructions which you can find by clicking the three dot menu and then choosing Design Details.