This Freaking Thing - Next-Level Leather

I’m learning to use those, but yes.

Excellent job! I’ve made a few things out of leather but I’ve never tried to (really) design anything myself… Guess that’s the next step! (and I LOVE the color BTW)

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Thank you! Start small - experiment. And prototype. Nobody sees what doesn’t work.

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Great detailed post with great photos- thanks for sharing!

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Nobody sees what doesn’t work that the designer sees because they don’t know what was intended.

Sometimes we are our own worst critics because we focus on some small detail that doesn’t match our vision while everyone else looks at the whole piece :slightly_smiling_face:

That can certainly be true, but in this case I was referring to only showcasing the prototypes that work our and holding back those that don’t.

Very nice!! I have been working with leather for over 20 years and have seen people who have been in the industry not even come close to what you have done!!

As for the “rustic look”, I have found if I treat the leather with Neatsfoot oil and let it dry overnight then apply the dye, it produces a much more even result. :smiley:

As for learning how to hand sew, the Al Stholman book on hand sewing leather (can be found on scribd) is the place to start. Even after working with leather for so long I still find myself referring back to that particular book to make sure my projects turn out the absolute best I can.

Keep doing what your doing!! If I can be of any help, hit me up on PM.


Thank you for all of that - I just might!


Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve purchased leather to cut on my GF and am waiting on the rest of my supplies to try my hand at it! I’ve been wanting to for awhile - feeling encouraged now, thanks! :slightly_smiling_face: