My wife had asked me to design a trivet with a bear in it to put in our RV. This is the design I came up with. The engraved bear can easily be substituted with any other graphic. This trivet was made out of 1/4" Walnut with a 1/4" Baltic Birch back and then oiled with food grade mineral oil. I put the back on it so the heat from the pan could not transfer down through the holes to burn the table.
@evansd2’s mention of the edges makes me wonder how that would look (and would it be easier or harder to line up) with the coin milled edges that @TurboAddiction posted way back!
If you would like to try it, you can easily ungroup the heart pattern from the outer circle and then delete that circle. The outer circle is 8", so you could then add the coin milled edge at 8" and check it out.
That’s really nice, and another “duh!” moment for me. I’ve had this laser for years and it never even occurred to me to use it for this. I’ve been throwing an ugly old potholder on the table.