Hi I was cleaning the lens, and all was good until I noticed the magnet to the casing on the opposite end came off, leaving this behind… (pic)
I have tried to get it back in, but must be doing it wrong because I can’t secure the lens back into place…
This is my first time, so I’m afraid to do anything too aggressive to get it put back into place lol!
I am not really sure what you are showing in the picture. It is very small (plus, I have OLD eyes!)
The top of the print head does come off. I see the mirror with the blue handle.
What part exactly are you talking about as far as the magnet?
Yes I need help putting the mirror with the blue handle back in…
I guess by magnet I meant the lid that is over that-the print head- is magnetic and came off.
Sorry I’m not using the right terminology! Hopefully that made sense now?
Oh Gosh, I figured it out. Thanks anyway!
You are showing the mirror - not the lens. I am glad you figured this out. Please refer to this: https://support.glowforge.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033633614-Clean-Your-Glowforge
Yes I was cleaning the lens when the opposite end with the mirror came off.
I guess I didn’t use the right words, sorry. Thanks for being willing to help!
Any time the lens is dirty, the mirror probably is too. You should clean all 7 optical bits with your Zeiss wipe each time you clean.
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