Trouble with existing jobs in Corel Draw

I may still not be understanding your issue but:

From the images you posted, it looks like you have the page size set to the size of your plate with guidelines for margins. The page size and guidelines are something specific to a vector graphics program (Corel Draw, in this case) and, aren’t going to show up when you open an exported SVG or PDF in the Glowforge UI.

If you need the page borders for positioning on the plate, what I have done is create a rectangle object in Corel Draw the same size as the plate/page and, center it on the page so that it matches up with the plate/page border. Make sure you use a different color for that rectangle than you are using for any part of your design you want the laser to cut or engrave (so that it will show up as a separate operation in the Glowforge UI). Export the whole thing to PDF (or SVG), open that in the Glowforge UI. Set focus on your plate. Use the rectangle page border to align to the plate. Set the rectangle to “ignore” in the Glowforge UI.

Actual text and fonts aren’t going to import into the Glowforge UI. So, you will need to convert that to outlines or rasterize your text.

Note that visual alignment with the plate may not be exact enough, depending on your requirements. You will want to calibrate your Glowforge and, may be better off using a jig.

All of those topics are covered in detail elsewhere and, we can probably find you links, if you need them.

PDF does some odd things like that to reproduce text positioning exactly.

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