Tuning issue: Info and discussion thread

We identified a tuning problem that may have caused some printers to be running at the wrong power or speed. We take great pains to measure each printer at the factory and customize settings based on those measurements, and some printers had their settings swapped with others.

We’ve just finished sending notification emails to every owner of a printer that we believe might be affected, and we’ll make an adjustment to those printers next week. The change is small, and we don’t expect most people will notice, but we still wanted to make sure that each printer runs exactly as designed.

The printers will be updated on September 1st and 2nd. If you’re printing on Proofgrade materials, all settings will automatically adjust. If you’re using manual settings, please re-test them after the change to make sure they still work for you.

This thread is simply here for your information and in case you want to discuss. We won’t be monitoring it for support issues, so if you have any challenges with this change, please email support@glowforge.com or create a new post here in Problems & Support. We’re here to help!


I received this email, and would like more info on what happened.

What exactly went wrong here? Is the machine being turned up or down?

How did the settings of one machine get swapped with another?

If not using proofgrade is it expected that we will need to use more or less power to achieve the same cut?



Thanks for asking @becky.oosterman!

The way your machine is tuned depends on a number of measurements at the factory. The settings were swapped through a software mistake, which we’ve now identified and prevented for the future.

There’s no way to know if your Glowforge will use more or less power after we make the correction next week, so I recommend that you start with a test of your current settings and then tune from there if they aren’t perfect anymore. I’m sorry for the disruption and concern and hope it will be an easy shift for you.

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How will my printer be updated? And how will I know if it’s happened or not so I can test my settings?

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I never received the email. But mine definitely needs the update!! I can’t get anything to cut through and I have wasted so much time and money trying. Please help, I have pending orders I need to make and ship! Thank you

If you didn’t receive the email, then this issue does not apply to you. You need to open your own support ticket and explain the problems you are having.


We identified a few more printers that need to be updated. Everyone has been notified by email (and this time we’re sure we got everyone!) and the changes will be made on September 14th.

If you’re having trouble with your Glowforge not printing properly and didn’t receive the email, please email us at support@glowforge.com or open a post so that we can make sure you’re successful!

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@Rita I received the email that my printer would be updated, but haven’t received any follow up. Does the update happen automatically when it came online? How do I know if it happened?

Yes. Updates are applied automatically every time the machine starts up.

The updates are complete, so I’m going to close this thread.