Unable to change material thickness when using uncertified material

Hi, I’m trying to add a material thickness for the cutting board that I am engraving. I took my crumb tray out, set the focus, entered my engrave settings. When I click on material thickness, the box to type in stays gray and will not let me enter any text. I refreshed the page and switched computers and am still having the same problem. I would love any help or tips. Thanks!

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Use set focus before placing your art and never enter a thickness. It is way more accurate. Just make sure the surface of your material is within 1/2 inch of the head.


Welcome to the forum.
If you are using the set focus, ignore the material thickness. Simply hit submit and carry on.


This ^ Is it possible that the cutting board is too low? You will probably need to put something under it to make the surface be within 1/2" of the head. If it is too low, set focus won’t work either.


Thank you all so much. I was able to engrave the cutting board by setting the focus and ignoring the material thickness. I will remember to set focus next time before placing my art.

I should have mentioned initially that I used risers and my no math ruler to make sure that my cutting board was within 1/2 inch of the head.




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