Every SVG I try fails to upload and gives the “unexpected error” message.
Here’s a sample SVG that is failing (yes it’s a horizontal line):
So… uh… what’s up?
Every SVG I try fails to upload and gives the “unexpected error” message.
Here’s a sample SVG that is failing (yes it’s a horizontal line):
So… uh… what’s up?
Same issue for me, working fine just a few minutes ago
same here. just tried a copy/paste and got it.
Same here!
I just tried your file, and also a file that I have used in the past and which I know should work fine. Both gave the error.
Oh, I’ve tried:
Reloading the UI. nope.
Restarting the browser. Nope.
Opening an existing project on the UI: yup! Deleting everything and then dropping an SVG in it? Nope.
Clicking the upload button instead of dropping a file on it. Nope.
Out of ways to try to get info in there, seems to be something major amiss on the server side?
This is when it would be handy to have a more real-time way to get ahold of support. I would imagine that there’s some scrambling happening if anyone at GF is looking at logs or if they have alerts set up to warn them of this stuff.
I’m having the same problem. I’m guessing something is borked across the board.
They’re up to something. I just had to re-login and now the pencil holder is the first design in the UI.
Interesting time to be mucking with the UI (business hours US).
i’m guessing they have logs to see what the least busy times are. i suspect east coast mornings may be the quietest non-middle-of-the-night option. i’m guessing that people with day jobs probably make up the majority of GF owners. but that’s just my hunch.
Similar logic crossed my mind… how many people are still staying up all night to play these days, I wonder? It’s been a while for me.
Same problem here
Unexpected Error here also, must be a server issue.
I’m having the same problem. Previously saved projects will load but I can’t add anything new. I’m sure something is up and that people somewhere are scrambling to fix it. I hadn’t used the machine for a week and wanted to crank something out for this evening. Oh well. At this point it hasn’t been long since you first noted the problem. I’m hoping a fix is in the works.
Me too. I even tried just uploading a simple rectangle. No joy.
Guess I’ll hobble on back up the stairs, then… sigh
<insert frustrated face> I’m still only good for one trip down and back up per day in my wussy post-surgical state. Finished one part of my project before everything broke. I guess that’s all I get for today.
Such a limitation on your GF time must be horrible. Sorry.
I have the same problem. Old files will load, but new files will not upload.
I was just using my GF last night, so whatever it is, it’s popped up within the past 10 hours.