Unboxing and setup video

hey, I just posted an un-boxing and setup video, not meant as a tutorial or anything just thought I would video it


*updated link


Link is to the edit version, this is the link you want https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85muCYq1k2Y :slight_smile:

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Excellent setup video! Shows every step clearly and man, you ran through that fast! GF ought to be using that for setup instructions. :sunglasses:

Mind if I link it in the Matrix?

Go for it, Was thinking of doing a slightly clearer version of the setup now that I know what I’m doing :slight_smile: Definitely the easiest CNC I have ever set up!!!


Nice! I have never made anything watchable with a head-mounted camera. Yours was great!


Great! Now the fun begins with your own laser!

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And that was just the set up :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see what you make with it.

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Really nice video!

I’ve read the manual about setup and your video really helps me to be prepared for delivery in a few more weeks.

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Great! Glad you’re set up and ready to laser! Enjoy!

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That was a satisfying “click” when you attached the cable to the laser head. Glad to see it was such an easy process. I, too, do not have any laser experience.

Super good! So helpful in planning my own reception when my forever forge comes.

Thumbprints on the head side window. It’s very hard to avoid.

Oscar is a great assistant

Hang a hose out the window. It works!

You get one chance to name it without having support involved.

Glad you had a smooth experience.

Love that table. Have you gotten any takers yet?

First time? Pretty easy.

It’s pretty cool when you can align so closely by the camera. I’ve had pretty good luck with it all in all.

The smell is quite pleasant!


Yeah, @tom, he was so well behaved!

Thanks! I have a couple dozen on a list for the table, I’m just behind on finalizing it, Will be within the month, I will have it at maker fair and the site should be live by then as well. Oscar and my other kids might be more excited than myself!


Hes a great kid! I am blessed


have you let him press the button yet?


Haha He has more than me, after 4K and 2 years I had to do it first :joy:


That was very inspirational … really pumped up to receive my machine, learn how to use it properly, and share with others. :glowforge::sunglasses:

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Don’t you dare to touch my glowing button!

Hahaha awesome!!