UnOfficial Gallery of Glowforge Projects

You’re very welcome! (I enjoyed looking at all the stuff again too, while I was putting it together.)

I wanted a one stop “get everyone caught up with the goodies” spot before the first Production unit hit… I almost made it too! :wink:


I believe that was @rpegg exhibiting unrestrained joy o receiving his PRU :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It was indeed. (Little inside joke for those of us who have been here since the get-go.) :relaxed:


Thank you @jules, very helpful!


I’ve been looking into the Google Gallery that @jkopel suggested above, and that’s as easy as drag and drop your photo. (folks should be able to use it)

It doesn’t necessarily make the pics useful from a “point to the original post” standpoint though, unless the photo has the name of the post as a file name, so that whoever was interested in it can do a quick search and find the whole thread.

That’s what I did to pre-process these pictures, and it took a while. The possibility for that to get mucked up is extremely high. One person can do it, or if we have a batch process to tack the post name or location onto the file name, that would be super.

Before we write @discourse off as a host for the gallery, through an add-on or whatever they can add, we might ought to hash out some ideas as to what we want, so they know what to look into. It’s bound to be easier to do it semi-automatically.

What I was thinking would be very useful:

  1. A button that appears in the Made on A Glowforge category New Topic flyout that says “Submit Photos to Gallery” and then the photos are chosen by the person who created the new topic.

  2. The topic name and username are appended to the photo filename. If you wanted to get really fancy, you can add the username in text over the photo so folks can get a flavor for a person’s design strengths.

  3. In the Gallery, sorting by user, by file name, by latest added, by most likes …that sort of thing.

  4. Then the Gallery is just a separate category for seeing what’s going on and gathering ideas. (Terrific selling point for the machine as well, to see what everyone is doing with it.)

Anyway, I thought those ideas would be nice. I’m sure there are other ones that folks want to see.

Just keep in mind - the more folders and sub-categories that you introduce into the mix, the harder it is for people to do it, and the less likely they actually will. That means someone has to maintain the gallery as well, and you wind up with a full-time job. :relaxed:


@Jules… We ALL thank you and several others for your ongoing, gracious, thoughtful, tireless, helpful, inspiring, etc., etc., etc. wonderful contributions to this forum.


This is amazing!! Thank you for taking the time to make this!


Thanks guys! :blush:

(It’s been fun to actually help build a forum…usually you come in after everything is set in stone and all crises are past tense. )

This has been educational, to say the least! :smile:


I hope something comes along in discourse but if it does not, you can click on the (i) and add a description in Google photo. You could not enforce this but you certainly could encourage it.


I’m thinking that’s what we’ll wind up doing until @discourse comes through for us. :slightly_smiling_face:
(I have faith in the Discourse team too!)


So cool!!


Keep the ideas coming! Note that we did recently add left and right arrows
to the light boxed (zoomed up / expanded) picture view so you can click or
tap left and right to see the next pictures in the post!


Thanks guys! :relaxed:

(Just had all the power go down here in the thunder-boomer.) Nap time.


I noticed that right away and thought it was a great update. Thank you!


I experienced the same thing when I clicked on the link.

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Did you use the password? It should be working now. :slightly_smiling_face:

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i got it now… thank you.

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Unfortunately since hosted discourse doesn’t have plugins, it’s a nontrivial todo. Hopefully they implement something - the left and right arrows are a great start.


Thanks for putting this together! That is an impressive heap of projects.


So cool! you’re awesome @Jules!
some of those I had forgotten about, others I was shocked "how did I miss that!"
love the collection, great idea!