*****UPDATE***** Eco Resins such as Jesmonite Aquacast Resincrete - has anyone engraved on them?

**So I’ve been in conversation with the chaps at EliChem Resins, who manufacture Aquacast (A popular alternative to Jesmonite) here in the UK and they have confirmed that it is 100% safe to engrave on a completed/cured Aquacast Ecoresin project! **

**So I’ve been on the case already and have released a couple of demo videos on my Youtube channel if anyone wants to check them out. **

**I’ll share a dedicated post on this in the relevant section. **

Thanks to all who contributed with their advice.

I’ve come across a few videos where folks are using their lasers to engrave on eco-resins - an increasingly popular alternative to resin much like plaster of Paris and known via names such as Jesmonite, Resincrete, aquacast.

it’ll be much like engraving on ceramic tiles or slate except it’s made with friendly eco resin, mixed with water, some pigment and then poured into a mold which cures within about 30-45 minutes.

They claim they are safe for the environment suggesting that it could be safe to engrave on.
However, I reached out to one of the manufacturers who claim it’s not recommended, though they didn’t clarify as to why.

So I wondered if anyone had used their Glowforge to engrave on a material like this before?

I’d be interested to discover your thoughts.



It’s hard to say. Material safety is the topic of #4 on this list:

Take a look while I google a bit on that resin.


OK so Jesmonite says it’s a “acrylic polymer-modified, cement-based composite”. It’s really hard to say. They have a lot of data on their site, but I didn’t see an MSDS. I’d ask for one for whatever product you’re after from them (they have a range).

Same with Resincrete, no obvious SDS link.

So, it’s hard to say, but I’d try to get the sds before lasering it.


Cheers for taking the time to reply - I agree, it is a tough one. I wrote to the chaps in china, A company called JDiction about their Resincrete and they were vague but said they don’t recommend it. However, I’ve just spoken to a UK based company making Aquacast and they say it’s ok - it’s been lasered many times but I pushed for 100% clarity, so they’re chatting to the chemist involved in the manufacture of it and are getting back to me with clarification. I’ve seen a few videos of engravings on Jesmonite and Aquacast already, using a 60W Trotec and 10W XTool laser respectively, seemingly with no issues. So I’m hoping it turns out to be completely safe!


Safety info for Aquacast


Why not engrave something else and make that the mold?


Of course. Making molds of some sort is another option. But you can get some awesome detail when engraving on a pigmented trinket/jewellery tray made out of this kind of stuff! I’ve seen it done on Jesmonite and it looks great. It makes for a new, fairly unique project.


A bag of Jesmonite showed up here recently. So, I’m watching this thread.

My understanding is that the bulk of the dry component is gypsum:

MSDS for the wet (acrylic resin) component of the AC100 formulation (which is what most people appear to be using for indoor things like trinket trays):

Note that they have a couple other formulations (e.g., for outdoor use), which might be different.

If I am understanding correctly, the claim is that it is all non-combustible. Presumably, engraving means it is physically fragmenting bits off of it with heat.


Gypsum dust is nasty stuff. Treat it as at least as dangerous as smoke.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t laser it I’m just saying that if it has gypsum in it that you’ll need to ensure that your vent is set up properly.


Yep! Looked like maybe some other stuff mixed in, like quartz dust. Definitely don’t want any of that in your lungs. Good venting, room air filtration and, possibly a dust mask or respirator when you open the machine to retrieve the piece and clean it after.


sound advice!


For posterity, this conversation is continued here: