Update to the update: We'll sell replacement tubes (discussion)

In brightest day, in darkest night,
No proofgrade shall escape my sight.
Let those who seek proofgrade’s delight,
Enjoy the glow — of GLOWFORGE’S LIGHT!


Thank you @dan and @staff for listening to the community and taking swift action to solve this issue.


Just spit my coffee! I want that shirt!!!


What a great way to start a Friday!


After Thursday’s storm, getting a smile to start a GF :glowforge: Friday is wonderful. :thumbsup:


Now for the devil’s advocate question: “Which is the added delay because of this?”


I don’t think this will cause an added delay at all. It is just a different(positive) approach to how they handle tube replacements.


If they’re “relatively” near a shipping date, I’m guessing there are some sort of “design” changes to allow user servicing :??? so get back to square 1?

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From what has been said, there won’t be any design changes, but rather changing out the tube will be something that shouldn’t be attempted unless you are comfortable with the process. If you feel you aren’t, then the option to send it in will exist. Since there aren’t planned design changes, there shouldn’t be a delay (due to this, at least).


Thank you @dan and @staff for listening to the hordes. Yesterday was rough, today is better. :slight_smile:


I should imagine that there will be a Youtube video showing the process way before most of us will need to change the tube, so we can then decide which route we will take. I for one am happy to change it myself.


Yeah. Even if Glowforge doesn’t provide anything official, I have no doubt that there will be ample instruction with all of the skilled users in the forums. I like the options they gave. I’m less skilled in that area, so the $499 option to just send it in is very appealing, but I always felt that those more technical users should have the option. Glad they listened. :slight_smile:


A detailed example of how to change the tube has to come out before shipping. It’s a big deal to many and some kind of repair depot won’t be viable for everyone.

Also: Since the tubes are custom what’s in place should you stop supporting them? We know the software can be handled outside of Glowforge, something that was done with the possibility of Glowforge as a company not always existing (unless that has changed now too) - but without your support on the tubes there’s no real guarantee of future viability.

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This is the same thing you posted in another thread. Please pick a place you’d like to discuss it and delete the other(s) so we can all talk about it with you.

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And as I said in that thread, I won’t elaborate on it much there - main thrust of my post there was the queue, here it is the tube. It’s not the same thing posted in the other thread.

$499 sounds like a good deal, considering that’s less than it would cost an individual to do the two-way shipping. I am figuring I will probably want to replace my own, but it’s nice to know that the alternative wouldn’t be an arm and a leg.

(And I am guessing that the international shipping for this will be way, way less than before.)

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Poor @dan lol Hang in there…



I don’t know that there is an added delay. I think the closer they get the more they are going to stick to their July/August time frame. That was always the official line with a sub context of (we hope to ship some earlier). July/August was the primary delivery window (as of November’s delay). As shipping starts to become more of a reality I don’t think they will say anything but july/august until the first unit ships, and if it’s earlier they will yell, “Suprise!”

I don’t think there’s a delay, they are just getting tight-lipped, which is to be expected.

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