So here is the link for V1:
The V1 is for crumb tray in or out but you use to front door to line up. V1 is still a fine option but I have a pro and a plus and they are very different in their front doors so I designed V2 to be independent of the front door. V2 also focuses more on use on the Z axis. I go over in the examples on V2 but also in V1. The coordinates are not effected no matter where on the z axis (so you can raise and lower the grid and the points stay).
I have another tutorial that goes over how you can put a grid on the bed on the glowforge.
The reason why I say they are not for cutting is because you should use the crumb tray to cut. There really is no reason not to cut on the crumb tray because the max thicknesses for cutting is .5” and that is the allowed thickness to be on the crumb tray. I am sure you can use the grid for cutting but you would be destroying the grid each time if you are cutting on it and it would waist more material. Doing more of an embroidery holder design is fine as well but the crumb tray has some variation on where you set it in every time and so it would easily get shifted and no longer be accurate.
I recommend this method if you want to use coordinates when cutting: