UPS has lost my GF!

Can’t like that.

USPS is much the same :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’ve stopped using them when I can make the decision. I’ll use USPS or FedEx instead. Can’t do anything about most online orders but I feel better doing what I can. I know the others have issues too, but I’ve not had the same level of disregard from them. It’s likely confirmation bias and volume as we still get more UPS than any other service.

Funny, they’re a customer of ours and the people inside know what’s happening and joke about it. Corporate culture issue.

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Funny because UPS in the UK seem very good. They are my preferred courier. I don’t think any couriers throw parcels into people’s properties here although some have been filmed throwing them around the depot.

Also I have had no problems with UPS express from the UK to the US. UPS ground seems to be a joke there.

I’m lucky to have a good local driver. Nice guy that knows the people on his route.

A couple of weeks ago USPS listed a delivery as undeliverable because the business was closed. Only problem was it wasn’t a business and I was home with the front door open. The property is covered in cameras and nobody set foot here that day.

Just two days ago Amazon Services attempted a delivery while I was at work. Rind Doorbell to the rescue. I was able to talk to the agent from the office and let him know it was ok to leave the package. First time I’ve actually used the intercom feature. It was pretty nifty.


Me too. I don’t live in a bad area, and to my knowledge I am not that PITA nutso neighbor… I just like gadgets. But I probably look a little crazy!

My area is a bit mixed. I really have no issues with the locals but there are a lot of sketchy people wandering by. They pretty much keep to themselves but it is nice to have the deterrent. It is an older neighborhood and at least one house on every block is being flipped. Definitely on the upswing.

I feel safe downtown but I can keep an eye on things even when I’m not there.

As for being a PITA neighbor - a couple of months ago the people across the street came to me for some camera footage. Somebody had broken the windshield of a truck parked on the street. When I setup the cameras I made sure not to point them directly at the neighbors so I didn’t get good detail but did pick up the incident. I need to finish some work the previous owner started on the soffits. When I do that I’m going to redo the camera angles.

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