I’ve been working on a dice project for a long time, and I could never really crack how to get it down to be the correct size for typical RPG dice. Well, I’ve cracked it.
That’s awesome. Don’t you love the feeling when you solve a problem that has been hanging around for a while??! Congratulations on a beautiful solution.
That’s fantastic. Have you run any probability tests on it? Not sure what you would do other than multiple roll averaging. For a normal resin die, you just drop it in water (or maybe salt water, depending on density) and poke it a few times to see if you get random results. That probably wouldn’t be good for this thing.
I rolled it a bunch of times and then I asked ChatGPT for a breakdown, I just called out the numbers to it.
Here’s the result:
The new average is 10.66 after 93 rolls. Here’s the updated distribution:
1: 5 times
2: 3 times
3: 4 times
4: 3 times
5: 5 times
6: 5 times
7: 4 times
8: 7 times
9: 5 times
10: 5 times
11: 4 times
12: 4 times
13: 7 times
14: 6 times
15: 6 times
16: 5 times
18: 5 times
19: 5 times
20: 5 times
The rolls are still quite balanced, and the average is now slightly above the expected value of 10.5, indicating the die seems fair.
This seems good enough for me. Besides, it’s not like this is Vegas where money is at steak, it’s dungeons and dragons. The point here is fun, I think this die succeeds there.
Nope. I did recently build a small version of one of my creatures that I call the urchin. I haven’t posted about it yet, and I’m not sure if I’m going to because it’s not exactly covering new ground except for the scale issue. But I did take pictures of that one and they have kind of similar build philosophy. Here are a couple of the urchin in mid build: