January 12, 2025, 4:40am
a few years ago
Ahem … This one was in August.
I recently got some 1/16" plywood, mentioned here:
I’ve had a chance to use it, so here’s my rough review.
The 1/16" plywood seems to be good quality, the surface is sanded nicely, and there are no loose wood fibers.
It looks like it’s birch but that’s hard to say.
Dimensions are not 12x16, they are 11.75x16.5 This suits me fine, anything over about 11.25 inches is easy to place in the performance bed.
It cuts quickly. On my pro it’s 320/full/1x, and I think I may be overpowering it. I b…
This one too:
I’ve been working on a dice project for a long time, and I could never really crack how to get it down to be the correct size for typical RPG dice. Well, I’ve cracked it.
Birch plywood internals and PG walnut veneer surfaces with painted engraves.
Onto the rest of the set.
(And I made several others that I never published around that time too! )
The 5 intersecting tetrahedra model is almost a rite of passage in polyhedra, it’s tricky to assemble, the forms weave together.
I never did one, and I also skipped the frabjous , in favor of a couple of other builds that sort of push the same boundaries as the interlocking tetrahedrons.
There were these woven edge models that are sort of like tensegrities:
Featured here:
If you’ve seen my other posts on this family of builds (I call them my “creatures”), these aren’t he most complex models but I do like them both. The larger one is the physically biggest model so far. (Even bigger than the one you have, @ylene )
Notes: I assume the pictures will upload out of order. Stupid discourse + iPhone combo. Apologies for the lack of banana, I need to go to the store. As always, no glue was harmed during the ma…
And these guys, woven intersecting octahedral forms.
Featured here:
Happy birthday! I’m Frosty!
Latest creature, combining a couple of techniques from previous models — interleaving of fingers and traditional edge connectors. 48 faces of two different types, 120 connectors of three different types.
As always there are some fun symmetries that you get as you move around the model, here are some pics.
And then there’s these, which are maybe closest to the interlocking tetrahedrons – I don’t even know what to call them. I go into the geometry for each of the 4, they’re tricky enough that I have never built another after I did this
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Hi, I’m Louisa and this is Abagail, Anna and Elizabeth.
These were all inspired by @pubultrastar ’s exploration into a set of shapes in the app Stella . I decided to see if I could do some similar shapes with a pure laser construction, and this is what resulted.
Louisa: This is a stellated rhombic dodecahedron, an interesting shape I hadn’t seen before.
Puppy nose for scale.
Abagail: I decided to go a little further and did a true stellated regular dod…