Wand Box - RedditGifts project 4 of 4

Finally, my Arbitrary Day giftee is a huge Harry Potter fan. She’s a Ravenclaw, so I picked up a replica of Luna Lovegood’s wand and set about making a magical box for it.

I decided to try my hand at some non- stock wood for this one, so I picked up a few 1/4" poplar project boards from home depot and cut them successfully after some trial and error (the boards weren’t planed very consistently).

The box was designed, once again, using the boxes.py generator. The designs are engraved, with quotes and sigils from the Harry Potter universe, including the logo of Ollivander’s wand shop and the Ravenclaw Crest. Inside the lid, there’s some data about the wand itself. The short ends have bats and goats, because… well, she said she likes bats and goats.

The internal holder for the wand is made of the original formed plastic box insert that it came in, wrapped with this cute baby blanket material with pressed stars all over it.

Finally, the whole thing was stained in a blue gray, coated in an acrylic “dragonfly” effect paint which adds a color changing shimmer, and topcoated with shellac.

It turned out fantastic, and I’m super proud of it. I can’t wait until she gets it this Friday!


She’s going to be the happiest person at Arbitrary gift day, and everyone wishes you pick them next time!

1 Like

That is gorgeous!!!


Thank you!

What an awesome project. She’s one lucky HP fan! The shimmery paint really finishes it off.


It’s stunning! Not familiar with Arbitrary Day, but I’d appreciate that for any kind of gift.

[Edited to say that I now see the description on the previous posts.]


I’m starting to feel asleep at the wheel. This is amazing.


Thanks for all the comments everyone. This was definitely an experiment, but it turned out so well that I might start cranking them out as a regular product.


Well, if they have a rating system I’d say your gifts would top the charts. This one is the best! A one of a kind piece that your giftee will treasure.


Every detail is awesome! Very, very cool gift!


Fantastic creation. Looks super!